
Training on Disability-Inclusive Development and Community Based Rehabilitation

November 2, 2024 | News

Yesterday our Programme Manager Sofka Trajcevska gave a training on Disability-Inclusive Development and Community Based Rehabilitation at The Hague Academy for Local Governance. The training was part of their Citizens Participation and Inclusive Governance Programme 2024. We had a great opportunity to discuss successes and challenges in disability-inclusion and what steps organisations can take to become more disability-inclusive. We also played an Experiential Learning Game that Enablement Foundation has developed, which is a powerful tool for field and community workers and practitioners in the civil society sector to shift perspectives and deepen their understanding of real-world disability inclusion. This interactive game fosters conversations on practical strategies to support families and children with disabilities. If you are interested to get more information on the game and how it can be used in your organisation contact Sofka Trajcevska at:

Thanks to Nicolas Haezebrouck, Senior Trainer & Programme Manager at The Hague Academy for Local Governance for his invitation and the warm welcome and to all the participants for their enthusiasm, deep insights and great participation.