Enablement Foundation

Who we are


We contribute to the empowerment and the improved well-being of adults and children with disabilities in low- and middle-income countries.


We enable and equip different actors and stakeholders in the communities with relevant knowledge, practical skills and competencies in the field of CBR so that they can cope better with the disabilities of their children, relatives, clients and with their own.


Enablement Foundation’s 2 strategies are: Capacity Development and Learning. We implement capacity development through 3 different areas: innovation, service provision, lobby and advocacy. We focus on continuous learning and reflection, through evaluations and action – research.


Enablement Foundation sees CBR and DID as two roads leading to the same goal: realizing societies in which people with disabilities like any other person – regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, race, class, religion, sexuality or any other characteristic – participate fully and are enabled to reach their full potential.

Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) is a strategy that aims to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities. This strategy involves working closely with persons with disabilities, their families, and stakeholders at the local, national and international level. We pay attention to rehabilitation as a fundamental, essential and comprehensive process that needs to take place on an individual, family and community level. The ICF is used as a guiding tool for making this process as clear and as realistic as possible for adults and children with diverse types of disabilities. We focus on children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, whose condition is so severe that they cannot be mainstreamed in the regular services and systems. As they need more special and specific care and the children as well as their families/caregivers need increased resilience and strengthened coping skills.

Disability-inclusive development (DID) is an approach, which particularly focuses on the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities. We actively seek to ensure the full participation of people with disabilities as empowered self-advocates in all development processes and emergency responses. By providing knowledge and innovative tools (e.g. the RehApp), we work and/or support stakeholders to address the barriers that hinder access and participation of people with disabilities. Based on expressed needs, Enablement Foundation stimulates continuous internal reflection, innovation and improvement of its working approaches to keep up with new developments and to stay excellent in its execution of services.

Our team


Our team is supported by a team of volunteers:

Stichting Enablement

Our Address

p/a Prisma; Office 252 – 254
Joseph Haydnlaan 2A
3533 AE Utrecht
The Netherlands

Our Bank details
Account number:  NL39 RABO 0354 0724 39
Name: Stichting Enablement