Tools and publications

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As part of its strategy, Enablement Foundation develops tools for its partners. This is done in consultation with a variety of experts with experience working in low- and middle-income countries, and according to partners’ needs.

Please note that while most tools are open access, some, or certain features, have restricted access. For more information, you can contact us at

PIE Toolkit

Collecting and analysing CBR information

PIE is a participatory approach for evaluating outcomes and impact of Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programmes. PIE provides a structured but flexible approach for collecting and analysing information about the real changes that CBR has had on the lives of people with disabilities.

The PIE toolkit includes a range of tools. It supports the whole evaluation process from planning, data collection (from a broad spectrum of CBR players), to data analysis, validation and report writing, thus providing a very in-depth impact evaluation. However, the approach is flexible, meaning a selection of the tools can be chosen depending on the depth of information required and the specifications of the evaluation, context and resources available. The evaluation process is seen as one which provides an opportunity to learn about what is going well as well as what needs to change, so it leads into a process of future planning.

Stage 1: Situational analysis – Collecting contextual info and about the CBR programme

Stage 2: CBR team capability and performance review

Stage 3: Listening to groups of stakeholders

Stage 4: Listening to people with disabilities, parents & carers, individually and in groups

Stage 5: Preliminary analysis of findings

Stage 6: Community meeting to validate findings and look forward

Stage 7: Analysing and summarising findings, reporting and dissemination

Roads to Inclusion

Promotes reflection on changes related to inclusion

The Roads to Inclusion tool will support CBR teams in assessing communities’ progress in becoming more inclusive of persons with disabilities and planning activities to further the inclusion process. It promotes reflection on changes related to inclusion rather than judging projects on the impact of their work and is thus not a tool for impact evaluation or comparing inclusion between different countries and cultures.

The Roads to Inclusion tool has been developed by Enablement Foundation and Light for the World on the basis of an action research programme carried out in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Northeast India. Communities in two sites of each country were asked to defi ne what inclusion meant to them and those definitions were used as an inspiration on how it could be done, not as a prescription on how it should be done.


Rehabilitation knowledge base for fieldworkers

The RehApp (Rehabilitation Application) is a smartphone application that aims to provide community stakeholders in low- and middle-income settings with free, up-to-date information on a range of disabilities. In order to be used in remote and isolated settings, the app can also be used entirely offline once downloaded. Furthermore, the RehApp offers the possibility of adding client files, whereby rehabilitation workers are guided through the different rehabilitation steps and can easily monitor their client’s progress. Last but not least, the milestone feature allows to identify developmental delays and give users guidance on actions to take.

Watch the RehApp demo video on Youtube

In addition to the basic app, Enablement Foundation offers different packages with learning material and support to accompany app use. For more information, please contact


(Self) needs assessment tool for accessibility and assistive devices

As an assignment for Humanity & Inclusion, Enablement Foundation helped develop and digitalise a (self) needs assessment tool to support with the identification of needs in terms of accessibility and assistive devices. The tool allows to identify typical issues people can face at home when recovering from an injury or when having a disability (for example difficulties with transfers or balance, difficulties with opening/closing doors or with using storage facilities or with door thresholds).

In addition, the tool offers for each of these typical issues, typical solutions and ideas (non-structural solutions in particular). The tool provides guidance about local production or adaptation through the use of so-called “production cards” that provide access to specific information on how the solution can be built locally – for example, guidance about how and where to put grab bars in toilet for support.




Shifting Focus, an experiential learning tool

Putting yourself in the shoes of a fieldworker

With the help of Salsaparilla, a serious game company, Enablement Foundation developed this experiential learning tool for participants to experience their own limitations in understanding the life of the child with cerebral palsy. It helps understand what actually matters in the life of the child and their family, change your own mindset, and practice new ideas as well as develop new skills.

The key goals behind this tool are:

  • To learn in an interactive way about a modern, outcome-oriented approach within the CBR strategy, and its significance for working effectively with a child with neuro-developmental delays/disability and their family.
  • To experience the difference between developing interventions based on the “sickness and cure” paradigm, with interventions that are the result of working in a paradigm of “acceptance, participation, inclusion and functional developmental”.
  • To understand that this new method requires thinking differently, doing things differently and organising care differently.

Image Box

Idea and discussion generation through images

In the context of the We Are Able! (WAA) Project, Enablement Foundation was asked by the projects’ participants in Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia, to create a toolkit with a variety of images that could be used for generating ideas and discussion around disability inclusion. Though the toolkit was developed to be used in a flexible way, the images included allow for discussion around several key topics related to the WAA project:

  • Needs analysis
  • Idea generation
  • Lobby & advocacy (local, national)
  • Capacity building (knowledge and skills)
  • Raising awareness about disability inclusion
  • Networking & collaboration

Religious Toolkit

Involving religious leaders in raising awareness around disability

Key stakeholders who can have an impact on disability inclusion in a country inevitably include religious leaders. This notion was once again highlighted in the work carried out by Enablement Foundation for the We Are Able! (WAA) Project. As such, we developed a toolkit to raise awareness amongst religious leaders on disability issues, as well as provide resources for them to carry out sermons and other activities in a more inclusive way.

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