Sofka Trajcevska

Sofka studied LL.M in International Protection of Human Rights (Utrecht University) and completed an Advanced Master’s in International Development (Radboud University). She has 15 years of experience working in the international development sector on topics of CBR and disability-inclusion, disability and women’s rights. She has expertise in developing organisational strategies and policies and is passionate about action-research on CBR and disability related topics. She is a strong conceptual thinker, able “to connect the dots” and recognise patterns in diverse complex societal processes. In her work, she strives to find creative solutions for complex problems. She has been giving lectures on the topic of CBR and disability-inclusion to different Dutch universities and loves engaging in critical discussions with young people. She has vast experience and is compassionate in coaching and supervising young people find their own purpose and develop an authentic carrier path in their internship trajectories.

Our team


Our team is supported by a team of volunteers:

Stichting Enablement

Our Address

p/a Prisma; Office 252 – 254
Joseph Haydnlaan 2A
3533 AE Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 (0) 172 499940

Our Bank details
Account number:  NL39 RABO 0354 0724 39
Name: Stichting Enablement