Sandra Emons

Sandra has a strong passion for inclusion and has more than 25 years experience in working towards it. Her background is in international development and project management.

Before joining Enablement Foundation, Sandra worked for a number of organisations including VSO (Namibia), Handicap International/Humanity and Inclusion (Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Myanmar) and the Liliane Foundation (Zambia, Zimbabwe and Rwanda).

She has experience in developing, implementing and evaluating projects, developing and training partners and other stakeholders and development of inclusion policies. The red line in her work has been the importance of community based rehabilitation and disability inclusive development and she believes this the basis of improving the quality of life of children with disabilities.

Sandra is accompanied by assistant dogs Wizzard and Ollie.

Our team


Our team is supported by a team of volunteers:

Stichting Enablement

Our Address

p/a Prisma; Office 252 – 254
Joseph Haydnlaan 2A
3533 AE Utrecht
The Netherlands
+31 (0) 172 499940

Our Bank details
Account number:  NL39 RABO 0354 0724 39
Name: Stichting Enablement